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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Blog, RSS Feed and Your Comments

ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 36
Music technology downloads, news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and professional musicians. Over 20,000 readers can't be wrong!

SPONSORED BY: Blue Cat Audio - 10% off all products!
Blue Cat Audio focuses on providing flexible and powerful audio tools for musicians and audio professionals, offering a wide range of audio processing and analysis plugins, as well as audio software engineering and consulting services.

Blue Cat Audio plugins can be connected with each other for unique interactive sidechain capabilities and offer a customizable user interface thanks to their skinning language. Many free tutorials are available on their website for various host applications.

This DigiFreq Deal allows you to get 10% off all Blue Cat Audio products! Go to: http://digifreq.com/?MusicDeals#BlueCatAudio

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Scott's Notes - Blog, RSS Feed and Your Comments
In this issue, you'll find new articles (Reason Combinator, Reason Subtractor, Interview with Peo Drangert, Principles of Sound Design), new downloads (BeatBurner, MultiInspectorFree, ReaPlugs, NI Kore Player), new announcements (The Trumpet, Music Theory, Fusion Beats, Reason 4 Ignite), new discussions (NI Bandstand, Band Management Software, What Daws Are You Using?), new reviews (EastWest PLAY and EastWest Gypsy). And you could win a free product from Toontrack!

By the way, did you know that DigiFreq has a Blog? Yes, right there on the Home page:

The DigiFreq Blog covers new additions to DigiFreq on a daily basis. Plus, you'll soon find me there blogging about various topics including things that are going on in my personal studio. To keep up with new entries on the blog, you can check the Home page on a daily basis or you can use the RSS feed.

What's an RSS feed? Well, it's like a topic list that gets automatically updated and tells you when any changes have been made to the DigiFreq Blog. To use the feed, you need a feed reader, but guess what? If you're using the latest versions of either the Firefox or Internet Explorer browsers, then you already have a reader built-in. Just click the following link to open the DigiFreq feed in your web browser:

Then at the top of the page, use the feature that is shown to subscribe to the feed. That way, your browser will automatically keep track of the feed for you. In Firefox, you can find the new feed by using the Bookmarks > Bookmarks Tool Folder menu. In Internet Explorer, choose View > Explorer Bar > Feeds to display a list of your subscribed feeds.

Of course, the best part is that you can share your comments and thoughts on any of the topics published on the blog. After you select a blog topic to read (by clicking the title of the topic), just click the Comments (Reply To Topic) link. This will take you to a special area of the DigiFreq Forums that holds all the blog comments. The only requirement for posting comments is that you have a forum account, but of course, it's free! So if you don't have a free forum account yet, please go and get one now so you can participate:

In previous issues, I gave a special thanks to all those who have posted nice reviews about my books over at Amazon. The great reviews keep coming in, so additional thanks go to: Thomas J. Sabino and Frank S. Kish. I also want to thank my overseas readers who have posted reviews at AmazonUK... thanks go to: G. Jackson, Skyline UK, and N. J. Matthews.

If you have already purchased my Sonar 6 or Sonar 7 Power books and would like to post a nice review on Amazon, go to:

Sonar 6 Power:

Sonar 7 Power:

Power Books site: http://www.garrigus.com/powerbooks.asp

Thanks for reading DigiFreq! Enjoy the issue...


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DFreqDEALS - 10% off Groove Monkee, Acon, Precision, Groove 3, DOD

Get 10% off all Groove Monkee products
Featured product: Rock MIDI Grooves for EZDrummer

Get 10% off all Acon Digital products
Featured product: Acoustica Premium Pro Audio Editing and Mastering

Get 10% off Precisionsound
Featured product: Kloo Mandolin Sound Library

Get 10% off all Drums On Demand products
Featured product: Volume 10: Solid Rock

Find these (and more) great deals at:

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DFreqMUSIC - This is My Time (Easy Listening)

Some of the latest music listings added to the DigiFreq site:

This Is My Time (Sarsen)
"Easy listening, smooth romantic music. For those times when you are alone or with that 'special someone' and those quiet moments of relaxation."

For more of the latest music listings, go to:

And if you're serious about your music, promote it by submitting it
to DigiFreq today:

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DFreqNEWS - The Trumpet, Music Theory, Fusion Beats, Reason 4 Ignite

Some of the latest music technology news:

Sample Modeling Ships The Trumpet Virtual Instrument

Celemony announces Direct Note Access for Melodyne

Course Technology Publishes Music Theory for Computer Musicians

Groove Monkee Releases Fusion MIDI Beats Library - Get 10% off!

HHB FlashMic Goes To School

PowerFX Ships Gabi Masso Oriental String Sessions Vol. 1-3

Course Technology Publishes Reason 4 Ignite!

Yamaha announces MOTIF-RACK XS Tone Generator

For more of the latest music technology news, go to:

Also, be sure to check out the latest consumer technology news at:

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DFreqREVIEWS - EastWest PLAY and EastWest Gypsy

Some of the latest music technology reviews:

EastWest PLAY Advanced Sample Playback System

EastWest Quantum Leap Gypsy Virtual Instrument

For more of the latest music technology reviews, go to:

Also, for some of the latest consumer technology reviews, go to:

* * * * *

DFreqDISCUSS - Bandstand, Band Management, Edirol VSC, What Daw(s)?

Some of the latest music technology discussions:

Native Instruments Bandstand GM Synth?

Band Management Software?

Edirol VSC Software Synthesizer

What Daw(s) Are You Using?

Using MySpace to Promote My Music

How to use Cakewalk Pentagon as a Vocoder

Great Acoustic Guitar Synth Sounds?

To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to:

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DFreqARTICLES - Reason Tips, Peo Drangert, Sound Design

Some of the latest music technology articles:

Propellerhead Reason Tips - The Combinator (Part 1)

Propellerhead Reason Tips - The Combinator (Part 2)

Propellerhead Reason Subtractor Synth - Using Envelopes (Part 1)

Propellerhead Reason Subtractor Synth - Using Envelopes (Part 2)

Interview with Peo Drangert - Producer of Gabi Masso String Sessions

Principles of Sound Design (Part 1)

Principles of Sound Design (Part 2)

For more of the latest music technology articles, go to:

Also, be sure to check out the latest consumer technology articles:

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DFreqTIPS - Past Music Technology Tips

There are no new tips for this issue, but there are plenty of past tips to browse in the DigiFreq Tips web site area:


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DFreqDOWNLOADS - BeatBurner, Mechaverb, ReaPlugs, Kore Player

Some of the latest music technology downloads:

Code Audio BeatBurner Sample Synthesizer VSTi (Windows - Free)

Atom Splitter Audio Mechaverb Reverb VST FX Plug-In (Windows - Free)

VertexDSP MultiInspectorFree Spectral Analyzer (Mac/Windows - Free)

Cockos ReaPlugs VST FX Suite (Windows - Free)

Native Instruments KORE PLAYER VSTi (Mac/Windows - Free)

Groove Monkee - 300 Free MIDI Drum Loops (Mac/Windows - Free)

Wavosaur Digital Audio Editor (Windows - Free)

Teaching Music with Propellerhead Reason Tutorial Package (Mac/Windows - Free)

For more of the latest music technology downloads, go to:

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DFreqCONTEST - Toontrack EZdrummer Virtual Drum Instrument

Congratulations to Gary S, Ross P, and Paul M for winning the SoundTech LightSnake contest! (Winners are notified by e-mail).

For those of you that didn't win, you can find more information about SoundTech LightSnake products at:

For the current contest, DigiFreq and Toontrack are giving away some free copies of the EZdrummer virtual drum instrument software! Two lucky winners will each walk away with a copy of Toontrack EZdrummer. Details can be found on the DigiFreq Contest page.

Remember, you have to be a subscriber to be eligible for contests, and as long as you remain a subscriber, you are automatically entered into each contest. For more information go to:

PS. It also doesn't hurt to get a free account over at the DigiFreq Forums: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/

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DFreqFINISH - Sign Up For the DigiFreq Forums Now!

Yes, I know... there are a lot of music and home recording forums available on the Internet, but the DigiFreq Forums are special. Not only am I there every day, we also have a dedicated group of people that are ready to answer your questions.

Yes, I know... you probably already have a favorite forum at which to hang out on a regular basis, but the DigiFreq Forums are special. They are open, friendly, and free of junk or troublemakers.

Suffice it to say... if you're reading the DigiFreq newsletter, but not visiting the Forums, then you are missing out on a big part of the services that DigiFreq provides for you. Go to the forums today and register for your free account:
Register at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/policy.asp

Main Forums page: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/

Come on over to hang out, make new friends, and share your thoughts... and of course, get answers to any questions you may have.

Thanks and I'll see you there!


DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Copyright 2008 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved.

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