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In the DigiFreq Contest area you can sign up to have the chance to win free music recording products each month. These are brand-name products from major manufacturers like Cakewalk, Sony, Native Instruments and more! Just follow the instructions below to join in on the fun and have the chance to win!

For the current contest, we have the following giveaway:
The Audio Expert, 2nd Edition from Focal Press and Routledge.

The Audio Expert is a comprehensive reference book covering all aspects of audio, with both practical and theoretical explanations. It is written for people who want to understand audio at the deepest, most technical level, but without needing an engineering degree. The Audio Expert explains how audio really works in much more depth than usual, using common sense plain-English explanations and mechanical analogies, with minimal math. It uses an easy to read conversational tone, and includes more than 400 figures and photos to augment the printed text.

However, this book goes beyond merely explaining how audio works. It brings together the concepts of audio, aural perception, musical instrument physics, acoustics, and basic electronics, showing how they’re intimately related. It also describes in great detail many practices and techniques used by recording and mixing engineers, including video production and computers. This book is meant for intermediate to advanced recording engineers and audiophiles who want to become experts. There’s plenty for beginners too.

The new edition offers many updates and improvements throughout. New sections on coding an equalizer, comparing microphone preamps, testing results of loudspeaker isolation devices, new online video content on music theory, plus incorporated chapters on MIDI basics, computers, video production, plus new myth-busters, and much more!

If you don't want to wait for the contest to end, you can purchase a copy of the book right now for 20% off using the following coupon code: FLR40.
Click the following link to place your order: The Audio Expert, 2nd Edition.

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The following rules apply: One entry per person. Must be 16 years or older. No geographical restrictions.

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