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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Sonar 5 Power! & Promote Your Music
ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 26
Music technology downloads, news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and professional musicians. Over 18,000 readers can't be wrong!

"I just got your Sonar 5 Power book and have started reading it. It is the best work you have done of all that I have seen. I also really like the free interactive CD video tutorial that came with the book. I know that with Sonar 5 and your book, I am going to have a winning combination for my future musical progress. I am really 'gung-ho' about studying your new book and going as far as I can with it. Thanks for all the helpful advice and your patience with me and all my questions I have had for you over the years." - Jeff Schultz

For more information about the Cakewalk, Sonar, and Sound Forge Power books, go to:

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Scott's Notes - Sonar 5 Power!

Sonar 5 Power is here! I know many of you have been waiting for it. The book is currently available via my site for an introductory price of 34% off. Is that a great deal or what? :-)

So what does the book cover? Here's a short description...

Get the most out of SONAR 5 with the definitive guidebook. SONAR 5 Power! picks up where the manual leaves off, teaching you how to dig deep into the program with step-by-step examples and exercises. From initially customizing SONAR 5 to creating and producing a surround sound mix, you'll learn everything you need to know to make your composing and recording sessions run more smoothly. Learn about MIDI and audio effects and how to use them in offline and real-time situations. Explore mixing music via software and discover how much control you can have when you're using an on-screen software mixer. Take a look at the advanced features of SONAR 5, including StudioWare, Sysx, and CAL. Wrap things up as you learn how to prepare your completed SONAR project and burn it to a CD.

New topics covered include: Roland GrooveSynth; MIDI Effects Enhancements; Enhanced MIDI Sequencing; Advanced Step Recording; Clip-Based Effects and Editing; Track Presets and Icons; Automation Enhancements; Track Layer Enhancements; Grouping Enhancements; Multiple Editing Enhancements; V-Vocal Vocal Processor; RXP Rex Player; PSYN II Soft Synth; Pentagon Soft Synth; and more.

And guess what? There's a special surprise in this edition... it
includes a Free Sonar 5 CSi LE CD-ROM with 1 hour of video

So what are you waiting for? Grab your own copy of Sonar 5 Power today... Find more information, read excerpts, download project files, and place an order by going to:

DigiFreq will soon be launching a new service that will help you promote your music to the masses. If you have music available for sale through CD Baby, Amazon.com, and/or iTunes, we will list it on the DigiFreq site. And yes, this new service will be free. :-) We should have a submission form ready to announce in the next issue and then hopefully have the full service up and running for the issue after that. I'll keep you informed.

Thanks for your support! Enjoy the issue...


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DFreqCONTEST - Cakewalk Sonar 5

Congratulations to John R, Larry P and George S for winning the Sony Sound Forge 8 contest! (Winners are notified by e-mail). There was also one other winner, but they haven't responded yet. If we don't hear from them shortly, then we will choose one new winner and announce that person in a future issue.

For the current contest, DigiFreq has teamed up with Cakewalk Music Software to give away some copies of the new Sonar 5 music recording application. There will be two winners. One lucky winner will walk away with a free copy of the new Sonar 5 Producer, and the other winner will receive a free copy of Sonar 5 Studio!

For those of you that didn't win the Sony Sound Forge 8 product, you can find more information and purchase a copy at:

Remember, you have to be a subscriber to be eligible, and as long as you remain a subscriber, you are automatically entered into each contest. For more information go to:

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DFreqDISCUSS - Bass Guitar, Keyboards, Video & DVD, and more

Some of the latest music technology discussions:

Recording Bass Guitar?

Recommend a Keyboard for a Guitar Player?

Has anyone ever heard about Vester guitars?

One mouse, one keyboard, two computers?

Getting an External DVD drive?

Converting VHS Video to DVD?

Advice for buying a music Laptop computer?

Line 6 Tone Port Audio Interface

To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to:

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DFreqNEWS - Mix DVD, Melodyne3, BAIB 2006, Liquid Guitar

Some of the latest music technology news:

Mix It Like A Record DVD Tutorial

Celemony Melodyne3 Pitch Correction Software is Now Shipping

Best Service Classic Complete Collection Ships

Garrigus.com Announces Sonar 5 Power! - The Comprehensive Guide

Lounge Lizard EP-3 Electric Piano Virtual Instrument Released

Ueberschall Liquid Guitar Virtual Music Instrument Ships

PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2006 for Windows Released

Arturia BRASS Virtual Instrument Now Shipping

For more of the latest music technology news, go to:

Also be sure to check out all the great consumer and small business technology news over at:

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DFreqARTICLES - Vocals, Reason Tips, Live Recording

Some of the latest music technology articles:

Using the Cakewalk Sonar Interpolate MIDI Editing Feature

Automatically Adjusting Vocal Pitch with Sonar V-Vocal

Live-Performance Recording - A Comprehensive Guide

Propellerhead Reason Tips and Techniques

Creating Expressive MIDI Music Sequence Recordings

A Guide to MIDI Music Sequencing Functions

An Introduction to MIDI Technology

Preparing Audio for the Internet with Sound Forge

For more of the latest music technology articles, go to:

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DFreqTIPS - Cakewalk Sonar Tips, Sony Sound Forge Tips

Some of the latest music technology tips:

Various Cakewalk Sonar Quick Tips - Volume 1

Various Sound Forge Quick Tips - Volume 1

Opening Corrupt Cakewalk Sonar Project Files in Safe Mode

Organize Your Cakewalk Sonar Tracks with Track Icons

Create a Doppler Sound Effect with Sound Forge

For more of the latest music technology tips, go to:

                             * * * * *

DFreqDOWNLOADS - LoopAZoid, iBeat, Transcribe, iZotope Vinyl

Some of the latest music technology downloads:

Nexoft Software LoopAZoid Stereo Drum Sampler (Mac/Windows - Free)

Burn To The Brim CD Burning File Organizer (Windows - Free)

Syntax Phreaks iBeat Multi-file Format Tracker (Windows - Free)

Algorithmic Composer Music Compositional Tool (Windows - Free)

Transcribe! - Music Transcription Program (Mac/Windows/Linux - Demo)

iZotope Vinyl LP Simulation Effect Plug-In (Mac/Windows - Free)

Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio File Compressor (Windows - Free)

For more of the latest music technology downloads, go to:

                             * * * * *

DFreqFINISH - Happy New Year!

2006 is going to be a great year for DigiFreq and all the DigiFreq readers out there. I've already mentioned the new music promotion service we'll be launching, and that's just the beginning.

Of course, as always, I want to hear your thoughts and ideas for making DigiFreq even better. So please feel free to reply to this e-mail and drop me a note about what future services you'd like to see.

In the meantime, please keep spreading the word about DigiFreq. I really appreciate all your help and support!



DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Copyright 2006 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved.

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