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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Bobby Owsinski Releases Fifth Edition Of His Mixing Engineer's Handbook
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Bobby Owsinski Releases Fifth Edition Of His Mixing Engineer's Handbook
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REPLACEThere’s a reason why The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook by Bobby Owsinski has been the go-to text in university-level recording and media courses around the world for more than two decades. Simply put, no other book on the market describes the delicate art of mixing in such discrete, easily understandable proven steps, showing musicians, songwriters, artists, audio engineers, and producers exactly how to create great mixes.

Topping out at 300 pages packed with insider tips and tricks, the completely revised and updated Mixing Engineer’s Handbook 5th Edition provides the latest techniques for creating pro-level mixes in a home DAW-based studio.

Along with the rich source of information from the previous versions, the latest edition also includes new sections on immersive audio, using LUFS for mixing, self-mastering techniques, and new and updated hit-mixer interviews. Best of all, the information is presented so that anyone can learn both the basic and advanced skills required to improve their mixes.

Brand new additions to the 5th edition include:
- Three new mix build techniques for better balances and faster mixes
- A new method for setting compressors to breathe with the pulse of the song for more punchy and powerful mixes
- A look at the latest intelligent processor plugins designed to make some of the difficult tasks of mixing far easier
- Editing techniques with playlists in mind to make your mixes more streaming-ready
- A totally new chapter on immersive audio, including a primer for mixing in Dolby Atmos
- Headphone mixing and room calibration technology tips, and much more!

The updated Handbook also features interviews with 18 of the music industry’s most successful and celebrated engineers from various music genres, who share their expertise, insights, and philosophies about mixing the hundreds of hits they’ve worked on. Not only that, 13 additional interviews with some of the legends of the industry are also available online.

The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook, 5th Edition print edition is available for a limited time introductory price at bobbyowsinski.com/handbook/
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