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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Ueberschall releases Upright Bass 2 Elastik Sample Library
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Ueberschall releases Upright Bass 2 Elastik Sample Library
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Ueberschall releases Upright Bass 2 Elastik Sample LibraryIn skilled hands, the upright bass is an amazingly expressive instrument, capable of adding instant character and class to a musical arrangement. As a follow-up to the original Upright Bass release, Upright Bass 2 is a further product in the Elastik Instrument Series, each of which focuses on a single instrument. As before, it features virtuoso playing, captured in pristine audio quality. However, the performances in this release contrast with the original by delivering generally lower tempos and a deeper, warmer, tone, with plenty of sub-bass content and the perfect amount of room ambience to let the performances breathe.

Expressive Down Tempo Phrases

Upright Bass 2 provides a collection of authentic phrases, filled with musical details, that can easily be combined to create a totally realistic performance. The library contains over 800MB of samples, with nearly 450 different loops and phrases. These are organized into 30 folders, each containing between 9 and 21 phrases and phrase variations. The folders focus on giving enough variations to create a realistic, varied contrabass accompaniment while not wandering too far away from the original theme. Individual loops have a length of 2 or 4 bars and can easily be combined to create longer performances providing plenty of musical variation. With Elastik’s excellent time-stretching and pitch-shifting capabilities, the phrases can easily be mixed and matched between folders, or to suit the needs of an existing musical project.

Warm Sound, Full Of Character

While often associated with Jazz, the sound of double bass can also bring its magic to some Soul, LoFi, Trip Hop, Lounge and RnB styles. For any music producer or media composer looking to add the ultimate in warm, deep, low-end to their latest project, Upright Bass 2 is a perfect option.

For more information, visit: ueberschall.com
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