Precisionsound has released Hybrid Factory, a sample-based synthesiser for Native Instruments Kontakt, capable of over 1,000 combinations of sounds. With Hybrid Factory, users can make warm analogue emulations, aggressive digital tones, and imaginary electroacoustic instruments.
The samples in Hybrid Factory were created by Iain Morland using a wide range of techniques, including resynthesizing acoustic instruments; physical modelling; granular synthesis; processing Foley recordings; FM synthesis; sampling old cassettes; and convolving instruments with one another. This gives users a varied and unusual palette for sound design.
Precisionsound founder Lars Westin said, “Hybrid Factory’s scripted Kontakt interface puts all the samples at your fingertips. It lets you see the waveforms with which you are working. You can shape the dynamics, apply filters, phasers, chorus and reverb effects, and add three different flavours of distortion.”
Hybrid Factory contains:
· Over 1,160 stereo samples at 24-bit, 44.1khz quality
· 80 NKI presets, including basses, leads, keys and pads, demonstrating the capabilities of Hybrid Factory
· Twelve unique impulse responses
· A default NKI to use as a starting point for user patches
The size of the sample pool is 1.77GB (1.32GB compressed). Thanks to Kontakt’s disk streaming technology, the samples use only 134MB RAM.
The full version of Kontakt 4.2.3 or above is required. Hybrid Factory will not work with the free Kontakt Player. Price: Hybrid Factory costs $69 (+$11 if you want it on DVD).
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For more information: Hybrid Factory for Kontakt