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FMJ-Software Awave Studio v9.4 Released
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What's new in Awave Studio v9.4

- Added full support for up to 32-bit floating point wavesample precision. This means that both reading and writing of e.g. 24-bit PCM files are now fully supported with no loss of information!

- Added read and write support for the rgc:audio SFZ instrument format (.SFZ files).

- Added read and write support for the Orion Sampler program file format (.OSP files).

- Added support for SoundFont v2.04 (.SF2 files). This is basically the same as SoundFont v2.01 but adds support for 24-bit samples. This is achieved in such a manner that older apps can still read the files (though they don't get the 8 lowest bits). NB, support for these 24-bit SoundFonts will be available in the upcoming SoundBlaster X-Fi cards.

- Added support for reading AKAI S900 and S950 programs (.P files).

- Improved precision FIR resampling algorithms - with selections for greater than 16, 20 and 24-bit signal to noise ration.

- Many output formats now have an "Auto" data format selection in the save file dialog. This instructs the program to select an appropriate data format when you save a file. In the case of some "collection" file formats, this also provides a mechanism for creating files with 'mixed' data types (because the program will select the data format individually for each waveform in the collection). So how does it do the 'auto selection' and how can you influence it? The previous waveform property "In file save as" has now been renamed "Preferred data format for saving". This property consists of a selection of a format from a list of 'common' data formats. When reading a file, the program will try to set it to match the data format of the input file. When saving using the "Auto" option, it will try to find a matching data format among those that the particular output file format will support. If no exact match can be found, then it will try an equivalent or higher precision format. If that is not available either, then a reasonable default will be used instead.

- The mono and stereo check-boxes in the save dialog have been replaced by a drop-down list with "Auto", "Mono" and "Stereo" selections.

- A couple of parameter changes: "After-touch to Volume" has been added. "Ch Pressure" has been renamed "After-touch". "Default RPN0" has been renamed "Pitch-bend to Pitch". "RPN1 to Pitch" and "RPN2 to Key" have been scrapped. The displayed value of "Key Velocity to Volume" has changed sign (positive now means that the volume scales with the key velocity) and can now take on both positive and negative values. And finally, a number of parameters have had their value ranges extended.

- When writing .SF2 files, in the special case where all regions in a layer all have the same articulation data (or when there is only layer or instrument lever articulation), the program will now write "global zones", which makes the output files a little bit smaller and, more importantly, conserves "parameter values" (which can become a limiting resource when creating really big & complicated SF2 files).

- Added a new "File load" option called "Auto-move articulation to higher levels if all equal on lower levels" plus an equivalent "Instrument Processing Wizard" function.

- Added "Auto-create regions from waveform root keys" and "First parse root keys from names" options to the "Create instrument wizard".

- Added "Resample" and "Normalize" buttons to the waveform properties "General" tab - for quick access to the "Audio Processing Wizard's" resampling and volume normalization functions.

- Updated the APE codec to v3.99. This should solve an issued with some newer .APE files not opening.

- Fixed a handful of bugs.

For more information: www.fmjsoft.com
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