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Auralex Acoustics Pro Panels Help Solve Studio Problems
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Ten years as a personal trainer in Memphis had earned Karen Moss a devoted following and, after attending a power yoga seminar, decided to turn her following into a new business. She and her husband purchased and renovated a house at 692 West Brookhaven Circle where Better Bodies Yoga was born.

Having a large, comfortable space to work in was critical for Moss, who decided to add a 1,600 square foot addition to house the main studio. A specialized rubber sport floor was laid down. "It's like an NCAA wood floor, comfortable to exercise on but very difficult to live with acoustically. I have tinnitus, and as soon as the room was completed I realized that I couldn't understand anything that was being said in the room." Compounding the problem was the fact that the room is rectangle, and sound bounced around it dramatically.

"People who heard well had problems communicating, and those of us who have difficulty in this area found the experience horrible! I was getting complaints, and I knew that I couldn't continue to work under these conditions."

Moss fielded a variety of suggestions; hang curtains to muffle the sound, put pictures on the walls, but her instincts told her there had to be a better solution. "We built a very fine studio, and I didn't want to schlep it up."

Tony Gravier of Yarbrough's Music, who was installing the music system in the studio, suggested Auralex Acoustics for treating the room acoustics. After some research on Auralex's website, she ordered nearly 75 Elite Series Pro Panels for the main studio. "We received outstanding support and advice from Auralex regarding placement of the panels, and did all of the installation ourselves. They were difficult to hang at first, but once my builder and his crew got the hang of it the process went quite smoothly," said Moss.

The Pro Panels were grouped together according to the instructions received from Auralex and placed all the way up to, and on the ceiling. There were some specific business related considerations that had to be factored in as well. Yoga often requires use of the walls for maneuvers such as inversion handstands, requiring the bottom of the walls be bare.

"After the first round of paneling went in there was a 100% improvement in the acoustics of the room. Some people thought we should save money and stop there, but the people at Auralex told me more panels would balance the room better. They were right. The extra panels settled the sound, and made it clear and consistent throughout the space. Now, everyone in the room can hear clearly, regardless of where they might be.

"The Pro Panels are quite professional in appearance, and that was also very important to me. The bottom line is that I'm running a business that has to be profitable. The panels weren't cheap, but they were, without a question, a smart investment; without them I would not have been able to run a successful operation. I knew that we had to bite the bullet and find the best company to solve the acoustical problem we had, and Auralex was clearly the right firm to go with."

For more information: www.auralex.com
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