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ROCKSTAR:INXS Rocks With Nuendo
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Mark Burnett's latest reality TV incarnation sets some lofty goals; hold an international American Idol style singing competition, pull off weekly live rock-concert shows with up to 15 singers per show, throw in some compelling relationship drama, and find the new lead singer for legendary rock band INXS. How will they manage to pull off such a varied and technical musical production? Steinberg's Nuendo Media Production System plays a big role.

ROCKSTAR:INXS, hosted by musician Dave Navarro and TV host/actress Brooke Burke, airs Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays on CBS at 9pm ET/PT. Produced by Mark Burnett (Survivor, The Apprentice), the show has searched the world for 15 finalists to compete for the coveted job of lead singer for the band INXS. The winner will subsequently tour with the band and appear on an upcoming studio release. The contestants will live in a Hollywood hills home during the competition and with cameras rolling, hope to produce some behind the scenes drama not seen an similar shows like Idol.

Fast-paced and heavy on Classic rock music, the shows musical director Paul Mirkovich turned to Steinberg to help pull all of the shows musical elements together. The first of which was the theme song; a new version of the INXS classic New Sensation. "I recorded the basic tracks in my home studio on Nuendo using a mixture of live and virtual instruments," said Mirkovich, a fan of virtual instruments having used them on his previous gig as musical director / keyboardist for Cher's Farewell Tour.

"Steinberg's The Grand is the main piano on the theme song and all the synths are virtual," notes Mirkovich adding that he also used NI's Reaktor, B4, Pro53, Giga libraries through ReWire, Atmosphere, and Steinberg's D'cota.

Mirkovich also has the monumental task of editing, arranging, and distributing the music each show which was 30 pieces of music for the first week's show alone. "With Nuendo, I'm able to edit each arrangement down to a minute and a half, mix it, export to MP3, and upload it to a network so each band member and the production crew can learn it for the next show. The rehearsals with the band are also recorded through a Yamaha PM5D into Nuendo, mixed, and uploaded in a similar process so the performers can download the songs to their MP3 players and practice with the arrangement."

Once the show is on the air, Mirkovich takes his band live where he uses a variety of virtual instruments via a Muse Receptor for playback. "Going virtual gives me access to thousands of sounds and instruments from several companies in one box as well as instant recall of setting."

"Everything in a show like this happens very fast, and the musical elements that are key to the entire production must be done quickly and in high-quality to go on air," Adds Mirkovich. "Nuendo gives me the speed, flexibility and quality I need to pull it all together."

For more information: www.steinberg.net
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